Fodi's Construct 3 templates / example projects

This page contains the HTML5 exported versions of projects from this repo.

BlankTemplate [source]

A "blank" project template with some basic structure and a few utility functions.

FirstPersonShooter1 [source]

A simple 3D FPS template with 2D player movement, mouse look, object focus (a fairly ugly implementation) and the ability to fire projectiles which move on the Z axis as well. Only uses stock plugins.

FirstPersonShooter2 [source]

A more advanced 3D FPS template with 3D player movement including running (with some optional FoV shenanigans), jumping (with some caveats), mouse look, object focus, object spawning and projectile movement all utilizing racasting. It's based on the official First Person Platformer example and it uses the awesome Construct 3 3D Physics plugin by Mikal for 3D raycasting. It supports mouse + keyboard and gamepad input as well.

PixelmatchWrapper [source]

A basic wrapper around the open source Pixelmatch JavaScript library that allows you to compare contents of Drawing Canvas objects and find out how many pixels mismatch between the two.

TwitchChatSimple [source]

A bare minimum Twitch chat client example that allows you to join a channel and parse chat messages.

WebSocketExample [source]

Poor old WebSocket plugin did not have an official example project, so I made a super simple one.